Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome to Wildlife Conservation!

All over the world wildlife is in trouble. There are many reasons for this but there is one common denominator, and that is human activity. In most cases wildlife is being pressured by the efforts of people living in poverty in third world countries to survive and feed themselves. In some cases animals and plants are forced into a state of endangerment by foreign and domestic corporate interests. We hear all kinds of hopeless stories about the rate of extinction increasing at alarming rates, and this is unfortunately true. All is not hopeless however as there are bright spots where species such as the lion tamarins (Leontopithecus spp) have been given support in the wild and through captive breeding efforts, and as a result their numbers have increased dramatically and some of their habitats have been preserved. This in turn has benefitted other wildife that share these important wilderness areas

This is an introduction to the topic of wildlife conservation and the efforts that are currently being undertaken to ensure as many species will continue to exist into the distant future as possible. It is also an introduction to the concept of a conservation centre in the greater Victoria area of British Columbia, Canada. Keep reading and commenting, and visit the OASES website currently under construction at: